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shopaholic definition


🔉 /ˌʃɒpəˈhɒlɪk/ | "shop-uh-hol-ik."

Here's a breakdown of the pronunciation:

"shop": pronounced as "shop""aholic": pronounced as "-uh-hol-ik"


The term "shopaholic" is a blend of "shop," denoting the act of purchasing goods, and "aholic," a suffix indicating addiction or strong inclination towards a particular activity. It characterizes individuals who compulsively or excessively engage in shopping, often leading to financial strain or other negative consequences.


A shopaholic is a person who demonstrates compulsive or excessive shopping behavior, often driven by a desire for acquisition, thrill of the purchase, or emotional gratification. This term is typically used informally to describe individuals who frequently engage in retail therapy or who struggle with impulse control when it comes to shopping.

First Use

The exact origin of the term "shopaholic" is unclear, but it gained popularity in the late 20th century alongside increasing consumerism and the recognition of compulsive shopping as a behavioral addiction. It has since become a colloquial term used to describe individuals who exhibit patterns of excessive or uncontrollable shopping behavior.


1. Compulsive shopper

2. Shopping addict

3. Spender

4. Excessive buyer

5. Compulsive buyer

6. Binge shopper

7. Impulsive shopper

8. Overbuyer

9. Splurger

10. Retail addict


1. Frugal individual

2. Saver

3. Budgeter

4. Financially disciplined person

5. Thrift-conscious shopper

6. Economizer

7. Financially responsible individual


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